
Get data from a file

using AudioSources
source = FileAudioSource("path/to/data.wav")
x, fs = load(source)

Similarly, you can load any AudioSource and get the data as a Julia Array (x in the example).

SpeechFeatures overwrite

If you load SpeechFeatures and add true to the load function, you will get a FeaturesProperties object instead of just the sampling rate for the second returned value. This way, the result of load can directly be piped into a features extraction pipeline.

using AudioSources, SpeechFeatures
source = URLAudioSource("https://your.favorite.song.url")
x, p = load(source, true)

SpeechDatasets overwrite

You can also load directly a SpeechDataset item. That is because a Recording object stores an AudioSource one, whether it is from a file, or a command.

using SpeechDatasets
ds = dataset(...)
x, p = load(ds[1])